Barefoot Resort North Myrtle Beach Sales Report - Barefoot Resort has many homes and condos for sale in North Myrtle Beach SC. Over the last year our Barefoot Resort MLS Data shows 73 single family homes in Barefoot Resort have sold. The least expensive home to sell in Barefoot Resort this year was $207,375 and the highest price for a sale within Barefoot was $617,000.
The MLS data for the Barefoot Resort Condos for sale shows 178 condos have sold in Barefoot this past year. The least expensive unit to sell in Barefoot was $85,000 and the most expensive condo to sell in Barefoot was $407,000
The Barefoot Resort area has many homes and condos for sale within the Resort. Barefoot Resort is a very active Real Estate Market within North Myrtle Beach SC. So many sections to pick from with different prices for each section.
Barefoot Resort North Myrtle Beach Real Estate Agents at 843 REALTOR can help you make the right decision on a home or Condo for sale in Barefoot Resort. Contact 843 REALTOR Toll Free 888-935-8862
Vist to see the North Myrtle Beach SC MLS
Barefoot Resort North Myrtle Beach SC Real Estate
Homes for sale in North Myrtle Beach SC
Condos for sale in North Myrtle Beach SC
Leatherleaf homes for sale Barefoot Resort
North Tower Barefoot Resort Condos for sale
Homes for sale in North Myrtle Beach SC. North Myrtle Beach is a large area with a few section within the North Myrtle Beach zip code. You have the Town of North Myrtle Beach, Cherry Grove Beach, Cresent Beach, Ocean Drive, Atlantic Beach, Windy Hill BeachBarefoot Resort.
North Myrtle Beach Real Estate is typically a Little more expensive than real estate in Myrtle Beach. North Myrtle Beach highway 17 traffic seems a little more congested with slower speed limits, more businesses and traffic lights on the 3 lane highway.
North Myrtle Beach over the past few years has been working on the North Myrtle Beach Park and Sport Complex. This is a large Park located off highway 31. This Sports Complex is home to many Softball, Baseball, Ultimate Frisbee, lacrosse, walking trails and amphitheater. The North Myrtle Beach Park also features Live Camera feeds so parents not able to travel with the teams from out of state can watch the games live.
North Myrtle Beach real estate has a large area of waterfront homes for sale. North Myrtle Beach offers Oceanfront homes and condos, Channel homes, intracoastal waterway homes and condos.
The Channel homes in the Cherry Grove section of North Myrtle Beach will be a few blocks from the ocean and allow you to have your boat docked off the back of your home. Intracoastal Waterway homes and condos in North Myrtle Beach can also allow you to have a boat docked off the back of your property.
Oceanfront homes in North Myrtle Beach have prices starting around $750,000 and Oceanfront condos in North Myrtle Beach can be purchased starting under $100,000.
If you are looking to buy a home for sale in North Myrtle Beach SC contact one of our North Myrtle Beach SC REALTORS Toll Free 888-935-8862 or visit our website to see all the Homes for sale in the North Myrtle Beach SC MLS Listings.
North Myrtle Beach SC Condos for sale
Homes for sale in Little River SC